Key takeaways

● Businesses of all sizes need protection from cyberattacks.

● Global companies are beefing up online security measures to achieve business growth

● Singtel offers a range of cybersecurity products and services to protect your business as you expand in the digital age.

Cyberattacks in Singapore

Build a cybersecurity playbook that evolves with you.

1. The human layer

Attackers can infiltrate your network by making contact through spam email, a phishing message, or a simple phone call. Criminals may also impersonate superiors and colleagues, tricking victims into disclosing private details.

2. Perimeter layer

This is your network’s outermost layer, the boundary that separates your organisation’s internal systems and connections from the internet. It focuses on controlling and keeping track of the traffic that enters and exits the internal network.

3. Network layer

This layer involves a wider scope of monitoring, aiming to safeguard your entire network infrastructure. It secures data transfers between hardware systems and networks to ensure safe and confidential communication.

4. Endpoint layer

It’s a must to supervise all individual devices connected to your network. The end point layer does this to prevent endpoints, including mobile access, from becoming entry points for cyber risks. 

5. Application layer

Daily operations today involve using applications like Zoom and Google Workspace to enhance collaboration and productivity. The application layer ensures that all apps and software used by your company are secure and regularly updated.

6. Data layer

Cybercriminals are always targeting your data, which may include client details, payment processes and more. If attackers access this information, they can tamper with your systems, causing you to lose revenue, customers, and your reputation.

7. Mission-critical assets

These are the assets that power your business, such as IT infrastructure, financial systems, and communication networks. This layer is at the core of your operations and must be protected at all times, at all costs.

Top 5 cybersecurity attacks and tools you can use to block them

Detect, analyse, and contain threats

Communicate with employees, customers, and stakeholders

Regroup and recover

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