Startup SG is a unified umbrella that serves as a single platform where SMBs can identify relevant schemes for their unique situations and needs.
Startup SG Founder will give first-time entrepreneurs the necessary funding as well as mentorship needed.
For tech companies, Startup SG Tech offers the necessary grants for development and commercialisation of breakthrough technology.
Venture accelerators and incubators with proven experience in nurturing startups can apply for the Startup SG Accelerator for funding.
Startup SG Talent supports foreign entrepreneurs looking to set up shop here, matches businesses with talent A*Star Research Institutes, and supports the development of talent with internships.
Startup SG Loan offers government-backed loans to provide startups with working capital and financing for equipment, factories, and trade.
1. Startup SG Founder
2. Startup SG Tech
3. Startup SG Equity
4. Startup SG Accelerator
5. Startup SG Talent
6. Startup SG Loan
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