
Shore portal access

data centres

Shore staff can easily configure and customise all the components and features of Vanir Lite service from the Port-IT web portal.

Advanced endpoint protection

data centres

Leveraging on ESET Endpoint Security, Vanir Lite offers advanced monitoring and manageability options to protect vessels against modern and complex threats.

24x7 monitoring and support

data centres

With trained engineers present 24x7, the ISO certified security operations centre provides shipowners the highest and continuous level of service for both asset management and cyber security.


Network control and visibility


The use of powerful network scanning and monitoring module helps to detect unauthorised PC(s) and IT devices including the types of programs and versions being installed.

Risk management


To comply with IMO’s compliance requirements, a risk assessment can be performed from the data collected via the asset management module.

Regular, frequent anti-virus updates


To protect against new viruses, anti-virus update interval can be configured daily or weekly to uncover vulnerabilities from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

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