Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Why is Singtel providing an upgrade of ZoneAlarm mobile security service to Singtel Shield mobile security service (powered by Wandera)?

We are constantly reviewing our service offering and will replace selected services with improved features to cater to our customers’ needs.

Q. How will this service upgrade affect me?

All existing ZoneAlarm (ZA) subscribers will be provided with a free upgrade to the Singtel Shield mobile security service (powered by Wandera) with enhanced features at no extra charges. We will send ZA subscribers an SMS notification with a link to download the Wandera app to start securing your mobile device with Singtel Shield. If you have the ZA app installed, please delete it once you have successfully installed the Wandera app. 

Q. Is there any change to my Singtel bills?

Please be assured that there will be no change to your monthly subscription fee. We have updated the billing description from ZoneAlarm Mobile Security to Singtel Shield Mobile Security from 18 October 2021 onwards.

Q. Will this service upgrade affect my other services with Singtel?

Please rest assured that your other services with Singtel will not be affected.