Key takeaways

• Businesses have reservations about the metaverse because it is still in its infancy, but understanding and leveraging it will reap benefits.

• The metaverse has three key elements: a social aspect, virtual worlds, and novel technologies.

• The metaverse will grow in relevance as an extension of our physical experiences.

The value of the metaverse could go up as high as USD 5 trillion by the year 2030.¹

5 myths about the metaverse

Myth #1: It is undefinable

The metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds where people can meet.

Myth #2: It replaces physical experiences

The metaverse is only an extension of real-life experiences.

Myth #3: It is a fad

Millennials, Gen Z are early adopters. Tech giants continue to invest.

Myth #4: It is only for gaming

The metaverse impacts other industries, from the workplace to education.

Myth #5: It signals a dystopia

It can be a tool for a brighter future.

Myth #1: The metaverse cannot be defined.

Myth #2: The metaverse trend will fade soon.

Myth #3: The metaverse will replace physical experiences.

Myth #4: The metaverse is exclusively a gaming platform.

Myth #5: The metaverse is ushering in a dystopian future.¹³

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