Key takeaways

• Digital transformation in manufacturing is easier said than done - up to 95% of all digital transformation efforts fail.

• Managers often need more insight to pinpoint problem areas that will benefit the most from digital transformation or the necessary buy-in from management and rank-and-file.

• To ensure success, you need a strategy that provides direction, clarity, and a structured approach – and gets wide buy-in from the organisation. 

Between 70% and 95% of all digital transformation efforts fail.¹

Common roadblocks to digital transformation

Inability to assess existing infrastructure

Managers lack the insight needed to pinpoint areas that will benefit the most from digital transformation.

Inability to overcome internal obstacles

Digitalisation of operations calls for an understanding of elements that might get in the way.

Resistance to change within the organisation

Companies will inevitably run into resistance from both management and rank-and-file.

Challenge 1: Inability to assess existing infrastructure

Challenge 2: Inability to overcome internal obstacles

Wider adoption of digitalised manufacturing can generate up to $600 billion a year in additional manufacturing output.⁴

Challenge 3: Resistance to change within the organisation

Developing a stronger digitalisation strategy

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