Key takeaways

• Cyber threats are increasing in number and impact, posing significant risks to businesses worldwide.

● Maintaining in-house IT security has become increasingly challenging due to the rapid pace of emerging threats and the growing shortage of cybersecurity talent.

● Many organisations have shortened their cybersecurity monitoring and assessment cycles, putting additional strain on their resources and shifting them to a reactive instead of a proactive approach

● Managed security services can be more cost-effective than in-house cybersecurity by preventing cyber incidents and reducing breach resolution time more effectively.

The state of organisational cybersecurity

Overview of the evolving cybersecurity landscape

Cyberattacks in 2022 are up 31% from the previous year, and are likely to grow


Challenges of maintaining in-house IT security

Rapidly emerging threats and a lack of cybersecurity professionals threaten business resilience


Managed security services for 360-degree coverage

Managed services allow businesses to focus on core activities and maintain operational resilience


Overview of the evolving cybersecurity landscape

On average, there were 270 cyberattacks per company in 2021, up 31% compared with 2020.²

Challenges of maintaining in-house IT security

59% of business leaders ranked talent recruitment and retention as one of the top challenges in maintaining cyber resilience.¹

Managed security services for 360-degree coverage

Advanced threat detection powered by artificial intelligence can bring that nearly 40-week window of detection and containment down to 29 weeks.

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