Seamless and faster access to public clouds


Seamless connectivity

Seamless connectivity

<p>Quick and easy access to leading public cloud providers over pre-established connections to enhance your multi-cloud infrastructure.</p>

Secure and reliable

Secure and reliable

<p>Secure and stable with built-in low-latency performance. Built based on Singtel’s reliable and extensive private backbone.</p>

Scalable and flexible

Scalable and flexible

<p>Flexible and usage-based billing lets you scale your connections to the cloud according to your business needs.</p>

Cloud Connect Solutions

A wide range of high-performing public and private connectivity options to leading public clouds.

Customer Success Stories

Find out how network connectivity laid the foundations for the digital transformation and strengthen operational capabilities for our customers. 


Find out how Singlife was able to operate their insurance business entirely from the cloud, while creating a high quality online experience for their customers.  


Learn how blu, one of the largest parcel terminal networks in Singapore, set themselves up for success and enabled the launch of more than 100 bluPort parcel terminals island-wide.

Our latest thoughts