Monthly Plans

Sign up for our prepaid Ultimate Plans on hi!App to enjoy auto top-ups every 30 days! All you need is a debit/credit card. Buy on hi!App > Top Up > Monthly Plan.


Top up the 5G $40 Ultimate Monthly Plan, 5G $35 Ultimate Monthly Plan or 5G YAY! Monthly Plan to enjoy free entertainment (Viu Premium/Banglaflix/SUN NXT). 


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5G $40 Ultimate Monthly Plan

<p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b>UNLIMITED* 5G Data</b><br> <b>UNLIMITED* Malaysia roaming data</b><br> Up to 2000 IDD mins<br> UNLIMITED** local mins + SMS<br> Free incoming calls &amp; data rollover<br> Valid for 30 days</p>

5G $35 Ultimate Monthly Plan

<p style="text-align: center;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b>UNLIMITED* 5G Data</b><br /> <b>UNLIMITED* Malaysia roaming data</b><br /> Up to 2000 IDD mins<br /> UNLIMITED local mins + SMS<br /> Free incoming calls &amp; data rollover<br /> Valid for 30 days</p>

$15 Ultimate Monthly Plan

<p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;">50GB local data<br> 2GB Malaysia roaming data<br> Up to 300 IDD mins<br> 500 local mins + 100 local SMS<br> Free incoming calls &amp; data rollover<br> Valid for 30 days</p>

5G YAY! Monthly Plan

<p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;80GB 5G+ every month<br> 150GB SG-MY DataRoam<br> Up to 1000 IDD mins<br> 2500 local mins + 300 SMS<br> Valid for 30 days</p>

*Unlimited data for 5G $35/5G $40 Ultimate Monthly Plan is subjected to Fair Usage Policy of 300GB/600GB of 5G data respectively.

**Unlimited local calls/SMS is subjected to Fair Usage Policy of 3,000 local mins and 5,000 local SMS for 30 days.

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